Just so you know, i don't cook everyday, this porridge is my lunch. I may work from home, but then again, I am working. We both have decided that instead of spending time preparing, cooking and cleaning up, we would just spend that little quality time that we have to just chill. Translation: lots of take out and lots of dining out. Guilty as charged. Bad wife, bad wife!(while smacking self) :P
Hoppers Skippers Quilt is finally DONE. After weeks of putting the hand binding process on hold to give ways to producing other beautiful things, I just had to hop n skip to it.Sunday is funday. :)
Little E turns 1 and we were super excited! Getting gifts for the little ones is definitely one of the most full filling thing in the world.If only we own a toy store. :)
Ain't tea time the most darling time of the day? I'd take time off from whatever work I'm doing, boil water on the stove (yes i still use the gud ol traditional kettle, none of those fancy electric kinds), pull out those fancy teacups, spend a good 10 minutes deciding on which tea to have. Once ol done, I'll just enjoy the tea while listening to some oldies. Then soon after, He comes home. :)
Good Day. Awesome Day. Got hold of this super yummy pink slip cover for our chaise lounge HALF OFF at Ikea's As Is corner. Thank you thank you thank you. The previous brown cover now can be put to rest for a while. I shall come back for you soon sweetie, don't worry. :) image by: She
Today is withhhh.. out a doubt one of the happiest days of my life. Whimsigirl's super fancy machine is finally here. Let's produce something pretty now shall we. :)
I was a happy camper when I managed to get hold of this strings, what more when they cost 30 cents per metre. Oh why, do I need this string so badly, well, they're for whimsigirl design of course. We're just gonna have to wait and see now shall we. :D
After shedding every drop of blood sweat and tears, ALL fabric were successfully sorted and organized. I can sleep happy knowing that they're all placed beautifully where they belong. :)
Reading material of the day. 'Influence' is such a beautifully compiled and published book. Made me evaluate and see the people in my life that truly inspire and influenced me to do what I do and made me become who I am.Maybe who knows with god's will, I might just publish my own design book someday. If that ever happens, the one person that deserves to be in the intro credits would be Chern, for being the first person to believe in me and suggested it in the 1st place. :)
These lovely people threw me my 4th party! He constantly reminds me WHO has 4 birthday parties, heeee am guilty as charged, haha. It was supposedly a surprise but I wasn't at all surprised due to His lack ability of lying. He was so persistent and and not at all subtle, bless his heart for trying but it was a clear give away :P image in the image by the Delicious staff
Darling little Sister and her friends had their first garage sale. They were cute and everything looked pretty. But not everyone is open to the idea of buying used clothes, regardless lightly used or not. That got pretty annoying especially when our clothes were hardly used and if I must say so myself, they're fabulous.What do they think vintage is, they're used and old! But that gave it character. Need to do some tuning and change that mentality now people. :)
On a rainy day, what does this one girl do? Organized those endless yards of fabrics. AND indulged herself to historical epic and romance flicks. swoon! :)
I was brought to tears to see how personal were the gifts that were presented to me this year. Especially to know that they came from people i love so dearly and also to know that they knew me so well to even have thought of giving the gifts. But most importantly, they're all so purrrty. Husband needs to step it up next year :P I need to cry baby. :)
ps/- the yummy ukelele is not not mine but instead ours to our friend JJ